Tidepool Audio Home page

Tidepool Audio sells & rents quality pro audio equipment to people who appreciate good sound.  We started in Portland Oregon in 2003 where a thriving independent music scene has helped us grow over the years.  Locals can swing by to pick up a microphone, DAW audio interface, cables, headphones, stands and monitor speakers - anything they might need for a home project studio! 

We ship gear nationally to musicians, engineers and producers working in project studios and commercial recording studios.

Our overhead is low compared to chain stores & catalog houses and we pass the savings on to you for the studio equipment you need. 

Call if you have product questions or to inquire about a demo.  

We're open 9 am to 6 pm PST Monday-Saturday.  

We offer pickup by appointment and ship nearly every day.

Oregon has no retail tax allowing Tidepool Audio to ship pro audio recording equipment anywhere in the U.S. - tax free!