IsoAcoustics Isolation Dampers for Studio Monitor Speakers
IsoAcoustics has developed products for the Professional Audio and home project studio, the HiFi and consumer market, and large applications that include Pro Audio, HiFi and Live sound.
The patented IsoAcoustics technology is based from years of experience in the design and construction of radio and television studios.
IsoAcoustics ISO Stands are built with a unique, patented isolation technology that provides a high degree of isolations and manages the speaker’s energy to deliver authentic, uncolored sound. These speaker stands effectively eliminate energy transfer into the supporting surfaces. Bass becomes tighter, overall imaging is enhanced and your speakers are enabled to perform to their full potential.
IsoAcoustics was founded by Dave Morrison, who was closely involved in planning and building radio and television studios at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for close to 20 years.