Mogami Pro Audio Cables
Tidepool Audio has been proud to sell Mogami Cables for to musicians and engineers in pro audio applications for over 15 years! Their attention to quality, both in the materials and in the fabrication, at reasonable prices makes them an easy choice when outfitting a project studio or a large facility.
Decades ago Mogami scientists began researching the causes of audible differences within signal cable. The research was both groundbreaking and controversial, as most engineers at the time thought all cable sounded the same. Mogami's approach was unique. We invested years into researching low-loss signal transfer, the result of which lead to the development of Mogami Neglex, a series of cables that changed an entire industry.
There's a reason why Mogami is called The Cable of the Pros. Virtually every major recording facility is wired with Mogami, which means that just about any music you listen to has passed through Mogami somewhere in the recording chain.