Burl Audio B26 Orca Control Room Monitor
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Building on its reputation of sonic superiority, Burl Audio introduces the ultimate in control room monitoring, the B26 ORCA. The B26 Orca utilizes the same analog, discrete circuit path philosophy as prior Burl Audio products with the emphasis on the ultimate in sonic transparency and 3D stereo imaging.
Evolve your listening, mixing and mastering through the B26 ORCA and give you and your ears a competitive advantage.
• Direct coupled, discrete, class-A signal path
• 3 stereo mix inputs, 2 stereo tape return inputs, RCA stereo input
• 2 stereo speaker outputs
• Audiophile 0.1% matched resistor, stepped attenuator for control room level
• Independent studio/phones send and level
• External meter output
• Control room and Studio headphone outputs