Focal Shape 50 5" Powered Studio Monitor  Single Open Box Blem ON SALE

Focal Shape 50 5" Powered Studio Monitor Single Open Box Blem ON SALE

  • $ 579.00
  • Save $ 120

Save on this Single Focal Shape 50 - open box demo with blemsish  Operates perfectly - with Focal factory warranty

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Shape 50 is a great all-round small monitor speaker. Usable from a listening distance of 80 cm, it offers a very wide frequency response in the low frequencies (50 Hz) thanks to its 5" woofer with Flax membrane. Its compact, ventless design and double passive radiator enable it to be positioned close to a wall, and fit perfectly into rooms smaller than 12 m².

Focal Shape monitors are made in France and integrate five innovations to maximize acoustic transparency. Designed to meet the needs of nearfield monitoring, Shape monitors combine an ingenuous design and numerous settings optimised for the acoustics of small listening rooms.

These innovations provide remarkable acoustic transparency. Focal Shape monitors distinguish themselves through the wide and precise stereo image. The bass register is articulated and controlled. The lower mid-range and mid-range benefit from extreme neutrality, without any masking effects, making equalisation of these essential registers much easier. Finally, the new tweeter allows very high definition.

Dimensions:  (HxWxD) 12.3" x 7.5" x 9.5"

Weight: 20.7 lb