Primacoustic Broadway Impalers for Acoustic Wall Panels

  • $ 51.45

Primacoustic Push-On Impalers for hanging Acoustic Wall Panels - not in stock

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Four versions:

Push-on Impaler Item F101-1003-00 (24 per box) Galvanized steel plate with sixteen protruding darts for quick installation of panels. Simply push the panel onto the Impaler. 

Surface Impaler Item F101-1000-00 (24 per box) Galvanized steel plate with four protruding triangular darts which let you hang a panel like a picture. 24 per box.

Corner Impaler Item F101-1001-00 (8 per box) Wedge-shaped galvanized steel plate for mounting bass traps in the corners of a room.

Offset Impaler Item F101-1002-00 (8 per box) U-shaped galvanized steel plate with protruding darts for mounting panels with an air cavity behind them to increase bass absorption.